
GAMES 2016, the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society

GAMES 2016, the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, will be held at Maastricht University from 24 to 28 July 2016. Game Theory focusses on models of conflict, competition and cooperation, in which the different parties focus on their own individual aims. What are your best choices in light of what your competitors will do? How can you assign your staff as good as possible on all tasks that must be performed within your organization, taking into account their individual knowledge, skills and wishes? The societal importance of this field is illustrated by the Nobel Prizes in Economics that have been awarded to game theorists like Nash, Selten, Harsanyi (1994), Aumann, Schelling (2005), Hurwicz, Maskin, Myerson (2007), Roth, Shapley (2012), and Tirole (2014).

Aumann, Maskin and Myerson have already agreed to participate in GAMES 2016.

ACM SIGecom EC16
Parallel to GAMES 2016, Maastricht University will host the 17th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC16). Participants of GAMES 2016 have free access to the presentations of EC16. For more information on EC16 we refer to their website.

Click here for the GAMES 2016 List of Participants
Click here for the EC 2016 List of Participants

Click here for the GAMES 2016 Delegate Information Booklet
Click here to download the full GAMES 2016 confrence programme
Click here for more information on the Game Theory Society

Click here for the congress poster (JPG).


GAMES 2016 partners