From student project to news feature: international sci & tech news website The Register covered the #MeToo chatbot prototype that five Data Science for Decision Making master’s students developed together with Jerry Spanakis.
“This tool is part of a bigger project umbrella called SAFE, stemming from Safety Awareness For Empowerment,” Dr Spanakis said. “Our interdisciplinary team’s goal is to improve citizen well-being through prevention, defense, monitoring, and access to resources on sexual harassment and assault.” Read the full article on The Register
Furthermore, the chatbot featured in daily newspapers across Europe: the project received attention from El País (Spain), De Morgen (Belgium) and het Financieele Dagblad (the Netherlands, paywalled).
The chatbot received media attention following the preprint release on Arxiv. The paper was be presented during SoGood 2019 – The 4th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good on 20 Sept 2019 – where it is also received the Best Paper Award.