
* Equally contributing first authors


Refereed Journal publications

  1. André Berger, Alexander Grigoriev, Ralf Peeters, and Natalya Usotskaya. “On Time- Optimal Trajectories in Non-Uniform Mediums”. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 165.2 (2015), pp. 586–626.
  2. P. Bonizzi, S. Zeemering, J. M. H. Karel, L. Y. Di Marco, L. Uldry, J. Van Zaen, J. M. Vesin, and U. Schotten. “Systematic comparison of non-invasive measures for the assessment of atrial fibrillation complexity: a step forward towards standardization of atrial fibrillation electrogram analysis”. In: Europace 17.2 (2015), pp. 318–325.
  3. R.Cavill,D.Jennen,J.Kleinjans,andJ.J.Bried ́e.“Transcriptomicandmetabolomic data integration”. In: Briefings in Bioinformatics 17.5 (2015), pp. 891–901.
  4. M. Cluitmans, R. Peeters, R. Westra, and P. Volders. “Non-invasive Reconstruction of Cardiac Electrical Activity: Update on Current Methods, Applications and Challenges”. In: Netherlands Heart Journal 23.6 (June 2015), pp. 301–311. doi: 10.1007/s12471-015- 0690-9. url:
  5. N. Davarzani, J.A. Achcar, E. Smirnov, and R. Peeters. “Bivariate lifetime geometric dis- tribution in presence of cure fraction”. In: Journal of Data Science 13.2 (2015), pp. 755– 770.
  6. N. Davarzani, A. Parsian, and R. Peeters. “Dependent right censorship in the Marshall- Olkin bivariate Weibull distribution”. In: Communication in Statistics – Theory and Meth- ods 44.11 (2015), pp. 2222–2242.
  7. N. Davarzani, A. Parsian, and R. Peeters. “Statistical Inference on Middle-Censored Data in a Dependent Setup”. In: Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 9.3 (2015), pp. 646– 657.
  8. L. Deferme, J. J. Briede, S. M. H. Claessen, R. Cavill, and J. C. S. Kleinjans. “Cell line- specific oxidative stress in cellular toxicity: A toxicogenomics-based comparison between liver and colon cell models”. In: Toxicology in Vitro 29.5 (2015), pp. 845–855.
  9. D. M. Hendrickx, D. G. J. Jennen, J. J. Bried ́e, R. Cavill, T. M. de Kok, and J. C. S. Kleinjans. “Pattern recognition methods to relate time profiles of gene expression with phenotypic data: a comparative study”. In: Bioinformatics 31.13 (2015), pp. 2115–2122.
  10. N. Kumar, P. Bonizzi, L. Pison, K. Phan, T. Lankveld, B. Maessen, S. Gelsomino M. La Meir, J. Maessen, and H. Crijns. “Impact of hybrid procedure on P wave duration for atrial fibrillation ablation”. In: Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 42.2 (2015), pp. 91–99.
  11. S. Van Wijk, V. Van Empel, N. Davarzani, M.T. Maeder, S. Muzzarelli, U. Jeker, T. Dieterle, R. Handschin, S. Kiencke, ME. Pfisterer, H.P. Brunner-La Rocca, and for the TIME-CHF investigators. “Circulating biomarkers of distinct pathophysiological pathways in heart failure with preserved vs. reduced left ventricular ejection fraction”. In: European journal of heart failure 17.10 (2015), pp. 1006–1014.
  12. S. Zhou, E.N. Smirnov, and R. Peeters. “Conformity Region Classification with Instance- Transfer Boosting”. In: International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 24.6 (2015). doi: doi:10.1142/S0218213015600027.

Non-refereed Journal Articles and Reports

  1. N. Kumar, P. Bonizzi, M.M. Rad, and T. Lankveld. “Left atrial dyssynchrony time mea- sured by tissue Doppler imaging to predict atrial fibrillation recurrences after pulmonary vein isolation: Is this a mirage or the panacea?” In: Anatolian Journal of Cardiology 15.2 (2015), pp. 123–124.
  2. S. Zeemering, P. Podziemski, A. van Hunnik, B. Maesen, P. Bonizzi, and U. Schotten. “Electrogram Coupling as a Measure of Local Conduction during Atrial Fibrillation”. In: Proceedings of the Computing in Cardiology Conference 2015. Vol. 42. Nice, France, 2015, pp. 813–816.

Book Chapters and Articles in Book Series

  1. Davide Bresolin, Luca Geretti, Tiziano Villa, and Pieter Collins. “An Introduction to the Verification of Hybrid Systems Using Ariadne”. In: Coordination Control of Distributed Systems. Vol. 75. 2015, pp. 339–346.
  2. J. Efremova, B. Ranjbar-Sahraei, H. Rahmani, F. Oliehoek, T. Calders, K. Tuyls, and G. Weiss. “Multi-source entity resolution for genealogical data”. In: Population reconstruction. Ed. by G. Boothooft, P. Christen, K. Mandemakers, and M. Schraagen. Springer-Verlag, 2015, pp. 129–154.
  3. Sanja Zivanovic Gonzalez and Pieter Collins. “Computing Reachable Sets of Differential Inclusions”. In: Coordination Control of Distributed Systems. Springer, 2015, pp. 357–365.
  4. F. Ismailoglu, E. N. Smirnov, N. Y. Nikolaev, and R. L. M. Peeters. “Instance-Based De- compositions of Error Correcting Output Code”. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS). Vol. 9132. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Gu ̈nzburg, Germany: Springer, 2015, pp. 51–63.
  1. F. Ismailoglu, I. G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, E. N. Smirnov, S. Escalera, and R. L. M. Peeters. “Fractional Programming Weighted Decoding for Error-Correcting Output Codes”. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS). Vol. 9132. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Gu ̈nzburg, Germany: Springer, 2015, pp. 38– 50.

PhD Theses

  1. Stef Zeemering. “Sparse Estimation. Applications in Atrial Fibrillation”. PhD thesis. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Department of Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University, 2015.

Refereed Conference and Workshop Papers

  1. Alfonso Aranda, Pietro Bonizzi, Joel Karel, and Ralf Peeters. “Performance of Dower’s Inverse Transform and Frank Lead System for Identification of Myocardial Infarction”. In: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015). Milan, Italy, 2015, pp. 4495–4498.
  2. Pietro Bonizzi, Joel Karel, Stef Zeemering, and Ralf Peeters. “Sleep Apnea Detection Directly from Unprocessed ECG through Singular Spectrum Decomposition”. In: Proceedings of the Computing in Cardiology Conference 2015. Vol. 42. Nice, France, 2015, pp. 309–312.
  3. Michael Clerx, Pieter Collins, and Paul GA Volders. “Applying novel identification pro- tocols to Markov models of INa”. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC). 2015, pp. 889–892.
  4. Matthijs Cluitmans, Joel Karel, Pietro Bonizzi, Monique de Jong, Paul Volders, Ralf Peeters, and Ronald Westra. “In-vivo Evaluation of Reduced-Lead-Systems in Noninva- sive Reconstruction and Localization of Cardiac Electrical Activity”. In: Proceedings of the Computing in Cardiology Conference 2015. Vol. 42. Nice, France, 2015, pp. 221–224.
  5. F. Ismailoglu. “Weighted Decoding for Error-Correcting Output Codes via Bipartite Graph Partitioning”. In: Proceedings of the 27th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2015). Hasselt, Belgium, 2015.
  6. F. Ismailoglu, E.N. Smirnov, and R.L.M. Peeters. “Conformal ECOC Machines”. In: Pro- ceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2015). Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 2015, pp. 361–368.
  7. K. Wirianto, A. Zjajo, C. Galuzzi, and R. van Leuken. “Multi-domain SystemC model of 128-channel time-multiplexed brain-machine interface”. In: IEEE International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems. Samos, Greece, 2015, pp. 295–302.
  8. S. Zeemering, P. Bonizzi, B. Maesen, R. Peeters, and U. Schotten. “Recurrence Quantifi- cation Analysis Applied to Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis in High-Density Mapping of Human Atrial Fibrillation”. In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE EMBS (EMBC 2015). Vol. 37. 2015, pp. 7704–7707.
  9. S. Zhou, G. Schoenmakers, E. N. Smirnov, R. Peeters, K. Driessens, and S. Chen. “Largest Source Subset Selection for Instance Transfer”. In: Proceedings of The 7th Asian Conference on Machine Learning. 2015, pp. 423–438.
  10. S. Zhou, E. N. Smirnov, G. Schoenmakers, R. Peeters, and K. Driessens. “A Non-parametric Conformity-Based Test for Transfer Decisions”. In: Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Interna- tional Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2015). Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 2015, pp. 628–635.

 Abstracts and Demos at Conferences and Workshops

  1. M. Cluitmans, M. Clerx, J. Karel, P. Bonizzi, R. Peeters, P. Volders, and R. Westra. “Whole-heart simulations improve localization of origin of a heart beat in noninvasive electrocardiographic imaging (Abstract)”. In: International conference on basic and clinical multimodal imaging. 2015.
  2. M. Cluitmans, M. de Jong, J. Karel, P. Bonizzi, F. Prinzen, R. Peeters, R. Westra, and P. Volders. “High-resolution validation of localization of electrocardiographic imaging shows a centimeter-accuracy (Abstract)”. In: International Society for Computerized Electrocar- diology (ISCE) 40th Annual Conference. 2015.
  3. M. Cluitmans, J. Karel, P. Bonizzi, P. Volders, R. Peeters, and R. Westra. “Wavelet-sparsity based regularization (Abstract)”. In: ECG Imaging 2015 Workshop. Bad Herrenalb, Ger- many, 2015.
  4. Gokhan Ertaylan, Michael Lenz, Theo de Kok, Ralf Peeters, and Ilja Arts. “Exploring Early Disease Related Changes in Lipid Metabolism in the Obese System (Abstract)”. In: BioSB 2015). Lunteren, The Netherlands, 2015. 


Refereed Journal publications

  1. P. Bonizzi, J.M.H. Karel, O. Meste, and R.L.M. Peeters. “Singular Spectrum Decompo- sition: a New Method for Time Series Decomposition”. In: Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 6.4 (2014), 1450011 (34 pages).

Book Chapters and Articles in Book Series

  1. Ralf Peeters Aloys Sipers Paul Borm. “Quantifying Redundancy and Information Content of Lines in Recurrence Plots Using the Theory of Framework Rigidity”. In: Translational recurrences. Vol. 103. Springer proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Springer-Verlag, 2014, pp. 55–73.
  2. Ralf Peeters Aloys Sipers Paul Borm. “Unthresholded Recurrence Plots for Complex- Valued Representations of Narrow Band Signals”. In: Translational recurrences. Vol. 103. Springer proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Springer-Verlag, 2014, pp. 31–53.
  3. Vineeth N. Balasubramanian, Prasanth Lade, Evgueni N. Smirnov, Hemanth Venkateswara, and Sethuraman Panchanathan. “Chapter 9: Other Adaptations”. In: Conformal Predic- tion for Reliable Machine Learning: Theory, Adaptations and Applications. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 167–185.
  4. Pieter Collins. “Model-Checking in Systems Biology-From Micro to Macro”. In: Formal Methods in Macro-Biology – First International Conference, FMMB 2014, Noum ́ea, New Caledonia, September 22-24, 2014. Proceedings. Vol. 8738. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2014, pp. 1–22.
  5. Johanna Nellen, Erika A ́brah ́am, Xin Chen, and Pieter Collins. “Counterexample Gen- eration for Hybrid Automata”. In: Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems Second International Workshop, FTSCS 2013, Queenstown, New Zealand. Vol. 419. Communica- tions in Computer and Information Science. Springer, 2014, pp. 88–106.

PhD Theses

  1. Ruud van Stiphout. “Predictive Modeling of Treatment Outcome in Rectal Cancer”. PhD thesis. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Department of Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University, 2014.

Refereed Conference and Workshop Papers

    1.  P. Bonizzi, N. Kumar, S. Zeemering, R. L.M. Peeters, and L. Pison. “A Novel P-wave Duration Estimation Method to Assess the Impact of the Hybrid Procedure for Atrial Fibrillation Ablation”. In: Computing in Cardiology 2014. Vol. 41. 2014, pp. 813–816
    2. Michael Clerx and Pieter Collins. “Reducing run-times of excitable cell models by replacing computationally expensive functions with splines”. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014). Groningen, The Netherlands, 2014, pp. 84–89.
    3. Michael Clerx, Paul G.A. Volders, and Pieter Collins. “Myokit: A Framework for Com- putational Cellular Electrophysiology”. In: Computing in Cardiology 2014. Vol. 41. 2014, pp. 229–232.
    4. M. Cluitmans, M. de Jong, P. Volders, R. Peeters, and R. Westra. “Physiology-based Regularization Improves Noninvasive Reconstruction and Localization of Cardiac Electrical Activity”. In: Computing in Cardiology 2014. Vol. 41. 2014, pp. 1–4.
    5. P. Collins. “Input-output representations for verifying safety properties”. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. Groningen, The Netherlands, 2014.
    6. Ralf Peeters and Joel Karel. “Data Driven Design of an Orthogonal Wavelet with Vanishing Moments”. In: 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014). Groningen, The Netherlands, 2014, pp. 1665–1672.
    7. S. Zeemering, T.A.R. Lankveld, P. Bonizzi, H. Crijns, and U. Schotten. “Principal Com- ponent Analysis of Body Surface Potential Mapping in Atrial Fibrillation Patients Sug- gests Additional ECG Lead Locations”. In: Computing in Cardiology 2014. Vol. 41. 2014, pp. 893–896.

Abstracts and Demos at Conferences and Workshops

  1. Michael Clerx, Bl az ̇ej Chmielarz, and Enno de Lange. Good enough solutions in Markov models: Bad news for modeling? (Abstract). 38th Meeting of the European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology. Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2014.
  2. Michael Clerx, Ronald L. Westra, and Paul G.A. Volders. From Genotype to Cellular Phe- notype: A Markov Model of SCN5A offers insights into understanding channelopathies (Abstract). 38th Meeting of the European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electro- physiology. Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2014.
  3. M.J. Cluitmans, P. Bonizzi, J.M.H. Karel, R.L.M. Peeters, P.G. Volders, and R.L. Westra. “Inverse reconstruction of epicardial potentials is improved by novel regularization meth- ods and extensive validaton (Abstract)”. In: Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI), Workshop 3: Integrating Modalities and Scales in Life Science Imaging. Ohio, USA, 2014.
  4. N. Davarzani, Golparvar L., A. Parsian, and R. Peeters. “Dependent right censoring in a discrete setup and applications (Abstract)”. In: Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers conference. UK, 2014.


Refereed Journal publications

  1. Hugues Abriel, Enno de Lange, Jan P Kucera, Gildas Loussouarn, and Mounir Tarek. “Computational tools to investigate genetic cardiac channelopathies”. In: Frontiers in Physiology 26.4 (2013), p. 390.
  2. I.W.M. Bleijlevens, M.E. Hochstenbach, and R.L.M. Peeters. “Polynomial Optimization and a Jacobi-Davidson Type Method for Commuting Matrices”. In: Applied Mathematics and Computation 224 (2013), pp. 564–580.
  3. Catherine Butchart, Firat Ismailoglu, Phyo Kyaw Myint, Patrick Musonda, Claire J Lunt, Yogish Pai, Roy L Soiza, and VJ Rayward-Smith. “Identification of possible determinants of inpatient mortality using Classification And Regression Tree (CART) analysis in hospitalized old patients”. In: Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 56.1 (2013), pp. 188– 191.
  4. Marvin G. Chang, Enno de Lange, Guillaume Calmettes, Alan Garfinkel, Zhilin Qu, and James N. Weiss. “Pro- and antiarrhythmic effects of ATP-sensitive potassium current activation on reentry during early afterdepolarization-mediated arrhythmias”. In: Heart Rhythm 10.4 (2013), pp. 575–582.
  5. J. Heijman, A. Zaza, D.M. Johnson, Y. Rudy, R.L.M. Peeters, P.G.A. Volders, and R.L. Westra. “Determinants of Beat-To-Beat Variability of Repolarization Duration in the Ca- nine Ventricular Myocyte: A Computational Analysis”. In: PLOS Computational Biology 9.8 (2013), e1003202.
  6. Nikolay I. Nikolaev, Peter Tino, and Evgueni N. Smirnov. “Time-dependent series vari- ance learning with recurrent mixture density networks”. In: Neurocomputing 122 (2013), pp. 501–512.

Refereed Conference and Workshop Papers

  1. Matthijs Cluitmans, Joël Karel,Pietro Bonizzi,Paul Volders,Ronald Westra,and Ralf Peeters. “Wavelet-sparsity based regularization over time in the inverse problem of electro- cardiography”. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2013). Osaka, Japan, 2013, pp. 3781– 3784.
  2. M. J. M. Cluitmans, P. Bonizzi, J. M. H. Karel, P. G. A. Volders, R. L. M. Peeters, and R. L. Westra. “Inverse Reconstruction of Epicardial Potentials Improves by Vectorcardiography and Realistic Potentials”. In: Computing in Cardiology 2013. Vol. 40. 2013, pp. 369–372.
  3. R.L.M. Peeters, M. Olivi, and B. Hanzon. “Continuous-Time Lossless Systems, Bound- ary Interpolation and Pivot Structures”. In: Proceedings 5th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control (Joint 2013 SSSC, TDS, FDA). Grenoble, France, 2013, pp. 78–83. 
  4. Evgueni N. Smirnov, Hua Zhang, Ralf Peeters, Nikolay I. Nikolaev, and Maike Imkamp. “Aggregating Human-Expert Opinions for Multi-Label Classification”. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowsooursing (HCOMP 2013). AAAI Press, 2013.
  5. S. Zeemering, R. Peeters, A. van Hunnik, S. Verheule, and U. Schotten. “Identification of Recurring Wavefront Propagation Patterns in Atrial Fibrillation Using Basis Pursuit”. In: Proceedings 35th Annual IEEE Conference of the EMBS (EMBC 2013). Osaka, Japan, 2013, pp. 2928–2931.
  6. Hua Zhang, Evgueni N. Smirnov, Nikolay Nikolaev, Georgi Nalbantov, and Ralf Peeters. “An Ensemble Approach to Combining Expert Opinions”. In: Proceedings of the ECMI- PKDD-2013 Workshop on Solving Complex Machine Learning Problems with Ensemble Methods. Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.
  7. Shuang Zhou, Evgueni N. Smirnov, Haitham Bou Ammar, and Ralf Peeters. “Applying General Nonconformity Function to Transfer AdaBoost Algorithm”. In: Proceedings of the 25th Benelux Artificial Intelligence Conference (BNAIC-2013). Delft, The Netherlands, 2013, pp. 279–286.
  8. Shuang Zhou, Evgueni N. Smirnov, Haitham Bou-Ammar, and Ralf Peeters. “Conformity-Based Transfer AdaBoost Algorithm”. In: Proceedings of the 9th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AIAI 2013). Springer, 2013, pp. 401–410.

Abstracts and Demos at Conferences and Workshops

  1. N. Davarzani, A. Parsian, and R. Peeters. “Statistical Inference in Dependent Middle Cen- soring (Abstract)”. In: Budapest, Hungary, 2013.
  2. Evgueni Smirnov, Hua Zhang, Ralf Peeters, Nikolay Nikolaev, and Maike Imkamp. “Aggre- gating Human-Expert Opinions for Multi-Label Classification (Abstract)”. In: Proceedings 1st AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2013), Works in Progress and Demonstration Abstracts. Palm Springs, California, USA, 2013, pp. 68–69.


Journal publications

  • Luca Benvenuti, Davide Bresolin, Pieter Collins, Alberto Ferrari, Luca Geretti and Tiziano Villa. Assume-guarantee verification of nonlinear hybrid systems with Ariadne. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 2012. DOI = 10.1002/rnc.2914.
  • M.G. Chang *, C.Y. Chang *, E . de Lange *, J.-H. Lee, L. Xu, B. O’Rourke, H.S. Karagueuzian, L. Tung, E. Marbán, J. N. Weiss, Z. Qu, M.R. Abraham. Dynamics of Early Afterdepolarization-Mediated Triggered Activity in Cardiac Monolayers. Biophys J. 102: 1-9, 2012.
  • Luc Habets, Pieter Collins and Jan van Schuppen. Control to facet by piecewise-affine output feedback. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 57(11):2831-2843, 2012.
  • J. Heijman, R.L. Spätjens, S.R. Seyen, V. Lentink, H.J. Kuijpers, I.R. Boulet, L.J. de Windt, M. David, P.G.A. Volders. Dominant-negative control of cAMP-dependent IKs upregulation in human long-QT syndrome type 1. Circ Res., Vol. 110(2), pp. 211-219, 2012. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.111.249482. Epub 2011 Nov 17.
  • Marco H.M. Janssen, Michel C. Öllers, Ruud G.P.M. van Stiphout, Robert G. Riedl, Jørgen van den Bogaard, Jeroen Buijsen, Philippe Lambin, Guido Lammering. PET-Based Treatment Response Evaluation in Rectal Cancer: Prediction and Validation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 871–876, 2012.
  • J.M.H. Karel, S.A.P. Haddad, S. Hiseni, R.L. Westra, W.A. Serdijn and R.L.M. Peeters, Implementing Wavelets in Continuous-Time Analog Circuits with Dynamic Range Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – I, 59(2), pp. 229-242, February 2012.
  • Philippe Lambin, Emmanuel Rios-Velazquez, Ralph Leijenaar, Sara Carvalho, Ruud G.P.M. van Stiphout, Patrick Granton, Catharina M.L. Zegers, Robert Gillies, Ronald Boellard, Andre Dekker, Hugo J.W.L. Aerts. Radiomics: Extracting more information from medical images using advanced feature analysis. European Journal of Cancer, vol. 48, pp. 441–446, 2012.
  • E. de Lange, Y. Xie, Z. Qu. Synchronization of Early Afterdepolarizations and Arrhythmogenesis in Heterogeneous Cardiac Tissue Models. Biophys. J. 103(2):365-73, 2012.
  • M. Lemay, E. de Lange, J. P. Kucera. Uncovering the Dynamics of Cardiac Systems using Stochastic Pacing and Frequency Domain Analyses. PLoS Comp. Biol. 8(3): e1002399, 2012.
  • G.-X. Liu, B.-R. Choi, O. Ziv, E. de Lange, Z. Qu, & G. Koren (2012): Differential Conditions for Early Afterdepolarizations and Triggered Activity in Cardiomyocytes Derived from Transgenic LQT1 and LQT2 rabbits. J. Physiol 590(Pt 5): 1171-1180.
  • M. Nivala *, E. de Lange *, R. Rovetti, Z. Qu. Computational modeling and numerical methods for spatiotemporal calcium cycling in ventricular myocytes. Front. Physiol. 3: 114, 2012.
  • S. Umar, J.-H. Lee, E. de Lange, A. Iorga, R. Partow-Navid, A. Bapat, A. van der Laarse, R. Saggar, R. Saggar, D.L. Ypey, H.S. Karagueuzian, M. Eghbali. Spontaneous Ventricular Fibrillation in Right Ventricular Failure Secondary to Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension. Circulation A&E 5:181-190, 2012.
  • Philippe Uyttendaele, Frank Thuijsman, Pieter Collins, Ralf Peeters, Gijs Schoenmakers and Ronald Westra. Evolutionary games and periodic fitness. Dynamic Games and Applications, 2:335-345, 2012.
  • Y. Xi, T. Ai, E. De Lange, Z. Li, G. Wu, L. Brunelli, W.B. Kyle, J. Cheng, M.J. Ackerman, A. Kimura, J.N. Weiss, Z. Qu, J.J. Kim, G. Faulkner, M. Vatta. Loss-of-function of hNav1.5 by ZASP1-D117N associated with intraventricular conduction disturbances in left ventricular noncompaction. Circulation A&E 5(5):1017-1026, 2012.
  • MG Chang *, D. Sato *, E. de Lange *, Lee JH, Karagueuzian HS, Garfinkel A,
  • Weiss JN, Qu Z. Heart Rhythm 2012 9(1):115-122 (IF 4.559)

Conference proceedings

  • Luca Benvenuti, Davide Bresolin, Pieter Collins, Alberto Ferrari, Luca Geretti and Tiziano Villa. Ariadne: dominance checking of nonlinear hybrid automata using reachability analysis. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Reachability Problems, 2012.
  • Pietro Bonizzi, Joël Karel, Peter De Weerd, Eric Lowet, Mark Roberts, Ronald Westra, Olivier Meste and Ralf Peeters. Singular Spectrum Analysis Improves Analysis of Local Field Potentials from Macaque V1 in Active Fixation Task. In 34th IEEE Conf. on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, EMBC 2012, Aug.28-Sep.1, 2012, San Diego, USA, 2012.
  • Matthijs Cluitmans, Ralf Peeters, Paul Volders and Ronald Westra. Realistic training data improve noninvasive reconstruction of heart-surface potentials. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2012), 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pages 6373-6376, 2012.
  • Pieter Collins. Computable probability theory and stochastic processes. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, 2012.
  • Pieter Collins, Davide Bresolin, Luca Geretti and Tiziano Villa. Computing the evolution of hybrid systems using rigorous function calculus. In Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, 2012.
  • Bernard Hanzon, Ralf Peeters and Ivo Bleylevens. On a finiteness result for the number of critical points of the H2 approximation criterion. In Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012), Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 July 2012, pages 728-733, 2012.
  • Jordi Heijman, Antonio Zaza, Daniel M. Johnson, Yoram Rudy, Ralf L.M. Peeters, Paul G.A. Volders, Ronald L. Westra. Determinants of beat-to-beat variability of repolarization duration in the canine ventricular myocyte – a computational analysis. Proc. of Frontiers in Cardiovascular Biology 2012, London, UK 30 Mar 2012 – 01 Apr 2012.
  • Milahi Marin, Andrea Benigni, Hakima Lakhdar, Antonello Monti and Pieter Collins. Towards the implementation of a parallel real-time simulator for DSP cluster. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Simulation Multi-Conference, 2012.
  • N.Y. Nikolaev and E.N. Smirnov. Analytical factor stochastic volatility modeling for portfolio allocation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, IEEE Computer Society, pages 324-327, 2012.
  • Ralf Peeters, Ivo Bleylevens and Bernard Hanzon. On algebraic and linear algebraic aspects of co-order three H2 model order reduction. In Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012), Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 July 2012, pages 704-709, 2012.
  • E.N. Smirnov, H. Zhang and N.Y. Nikolaev. Aggregating human-expert votes using stacked generalization. In Proceedings of the ICML Workshop on Machine Learning in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, 2012.
  • A. Surpatean, E.N. Smirnov, N. Manie. Master orientation tool. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2012, volume 242 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, pages 995-996, 2012.
  • A. Surpatean, E.N. Smirnov, N. Manie. Similarity functions for collaborative master recommendations. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, EDM 2012, pages 230-231, 2012.

Edited books

  • H. Dai, J. Liu, E.N. Smirnov, editors, (2012): Reliable knowledge discovery. Springer.
  • H. Dai, J. Liu, E.N. Smirnov, editors, (2012): Proceedings of the 4th IEEE workshop on reliability issues in knowledge discovery (rikd 2012), in workshops proceedings of the 12th IEEE international conference on data mining (ICDM 2012). IEEE Computer Society.

Book chapters

  • J. Galle, M. Hoffmann, A. Krinner. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Heterogeneity and Ageing In Vitro: A Model Approach. In: Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, Series Ed.: A. Gefen, 2012, ISSN: 1868-2006, DOI: 10.1007/8415_2012_116. 2012.
  • G.I. Nalbantov, P. Groenen, E.N. Smirnov (2012): A comparative analysis of instance-based penalization techniques for classification. In H. Dai, J. Liu and E.N. Smirnov, editors, Reliable Knowledge Discovery, pages 227-238. Springer.
  • N.Y. Nikolaev, E.N. Smirnov (2012): Error bars for polynomial neural networks. In H. Dai, J. Liu and E.N. Smirnov, editors, Reliable Knowledge Discovery, pages 51-66. Springer, 2012.
  • E.N. Smirnov, M. Moed, G.I. Nalbantov, I.G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper (2012): Minimally-sized balanced decomposition schemes for multi-class classification. In O. Okun, G. Valentini, M. Ré, editors, Ensembles in Machine Learning Applications, volume 373 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, pages 39-58. Springer.
  • E.N. Smirnov, I. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper G.I. Nalbantov (2012): Combining version spaces and support vector machines for reliable classification. In H. Dai, J. Liu and E.N. Smirnov, editors, Reliable Knowledge Discovery, pages 109-126. Springer.

PhD theses

  • Jordi Heijman (2012). (cum laude)

Refereed conference abstracts

  • N.P. Borgstrom, Y. Prudat, R. Olcese, E. de Lange & J.P. Kucera (2012): Early detection of action potential duration alternans using an autoregressive model. Biophys. J. 102(3 S1) L192-Pos.
  • N.P. Borgstrom, Y. Prudat, R. Olcese, E. de Lange & J.P Kucera (2012): Early detection of action potential duration alternans using an autoregressive model. Cardiostim 2012, Nice, France.
  • J. Heijman, A. Zaza, D.M. Johnson, Y. Rudy, R.L.M. Peeters, P.G.A. Volders, R.L. Westra. Stochastic ion-channel gating contributes to beat-to-beat variability of repolarization duration and its rate dependence. Cardiovascular Research , 93(S1):S127, 2012.


Journal publications

  • Pieter Collins. Semantics and computability of the evolution of hybrid systems. SIAM J. Control Optim., 49(2):890-925, 2011.
  • Pieter Collins, Milad Niqui and Nathalie Revol. A validated real function calculus. Math. Comput. Sci., 5:437-467, 2011.
  • Pieter Collins and Ivan S. Zapreev. Computable semantics for CTL* on discrete-time and continuous-space dynamic systems. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 22(4), pp. 801-821, 2011.
  • Alexandre Goldsztejn, Wayne Hayes and Pieter Collins. Tinkerbell is chaotic. SIAM J. Appl. Dynam. Sys., 10(4), pp. 1480-1501, 2011.
  • Heijman J, Volders P.G., Westra R.L., Rudy Y. Local control of beta-adrenergic stimulation: effects on ventricular myocyte electrophysiology and ca(2+)-transient. J Mol. Cell Cardiol, 50(5), pp. 863-871, May 2011.
  • M. Hoffmann, J.-P. Kuska, M. Zscharnack, M. Loeffler, J. Galle., “Spatial Organization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in vitro – results from a new individual-cell based model with podia”, PLoS ONE 6(7): e21960. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021960, 2011.
  • Mihály Petreczky, Jan H. van Schuppen: Partial-realization theory for linear switched systems – A formal power series approach. Automatica 47(10), pp. 2177-2184, 2011.
  • Lorenzo Sella and Pieter Collins. Computation of symbolic dynamics for two-dimensional piecewise-affine maps. Discrete Contin. Dyn. S. (B), 15(3), pp. 739-767, 2011.
  • Aloys Sipers, Paul Borm and Ralf Peeters. On the unique reconstruction of a signal from its unthresholded recurrence plot. Physics Letters A, 375, pp. 2309-2321, 2011.
  • Ruud G. P. M. van Stiphout, Guido Lammering, Jeroen Buijsen, Marco H. M. Janssen, Maria Antonietta Gambacorta, Pieter Slagmolen, Maarten Lambrecht, Domenico Rubello, Marcello Gava, Alessandro Giordano, Eric O. Postma, Karin Haustermans. Development and external validation of a predictive model for pathological complete response of rectal cancer patients including sequential PET-CT imaging. Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 126-133, 2011.
  • Vincenzo Valentini, Ruud G.P.M. van Stiphout, Guido Lammering, Maria Antonietta Gambacorta, Maria Cristina Barba, Marek Bebenek, Franck Bonnetain, Jean-Francois Bosset, Krzysztof Bujko, Luca Cionini, Jean-Pierre Gerard, Claus Rödel, Aldo Sainato, Rolf Sauer, Bruce D. Minsky, Laurence Collette and Philippe Lambin. Nomograms for Predicting Local Recurrence, Distant Metastases, and Overall Survival for Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer on the Basis of European Randomized Clinical Trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 29 (23), pp. 3163-3172, 2011.

Conference proceedings

  • P. Bonizzi, O. Meste, V. Zarzoso, R.L. Westra, J.M.H. Karel, M. S. Guillem and F. Castells, Topographic Imaging of the Atrial Electrical Activity During Atrial Fibrillation for the Analysis of Uniform Distributions of the Surface Electrical Potentials, 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2011), Boston, USA, August 30 – September 3, 3028-3031, 2011.
  • Pieter Collins, Luc C.G.J.M. Habets, Jan H. van Schuppen, Ivana Cerna, Jana Fabrikova and David Safranek. Abstraction of biochemical reaction systems on polytopes. In Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011.
  • G.I. Nalbantov, A. Dekker, D. De Ruysscher, P. Lambin and E.N. Smirnov (2011): The combination of clinical, dose-related and imaging features helps predict radiation-induced normal-tissue toxicity in lung-cancer patients – an in-silico trial using machine learning techniques. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops, ICMLA 2011, pages 220-224. IEEE Computer Society.
  • N.Y. Nikolaev, P. Tino and E.N. Smirnov (2011): Time-dependent series variance estimation via recurrent neural networks. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2011, volume 6791 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 176-184. Springer.
  • Mihály Petreczky, Laurent Bako. On the notion of persistence of excitation for linear switched systems. Proceedings of the CDC-ECE 2011, pages 1840-1847, 2011.
  • E.N. Smirnov, M. Moed, G.I. Nalbantov and I.G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper (2011): Voting using minimally-sized decomposition schemes. In Proceedings of the Joint ECML/PKDD PASCAL Workshop on Large-Scale Hierarchical Classification, pages 25-37.
  • Ronald Westra, Mihalý Petreczky and Ralf Peeters. Identification of piecewise linear models of complex dynamical systems. In Proceedings 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 28 Aug. – 2 Sept. 2011, pages 14863-14868, 2011.

Book chapters

  • R. Phlypo, P. Bonizzi, O. Meste and V. Zarzoso. Using Spatial Diversity in the Estimation of Atrial Fibrillation Activity from the Electrocardiogram. In: J. Ramírez, J. M. Górriz (Eds.), Recent Advances in Biomedical Signal Processing, Bentham Science Publishers, 2011, chapter 14, pp.191-215.

Refereed conference abstracts

  • Matthijs Cluitmans, Ronald Westra and Ralf Peeters. Singular value decomposition and change of basis improve the inverse solution in electrocardiography. 3rd Dutch Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering (BME 2011), Egmond aan Zee, 20-21 Jan. 2011.
  • Matthijs Cluitmans, Ronald Westra and Ralf Peeters. Singular value decomposition and change of basis improve the inverse solution in electrocardiography. In 30th Benelux Meeting on System and Control, Lommel, Belgium, 15-17 March 2011, page 197, 2011.
  • Bernard Hanzon, Ralf Peeters and Ivo Bleylevens. On the H2 model order reduction problem with co-order 2. ERNSI Workshop, Nice, France, Sept. 2011.
  • Stephan Jansen, Joël Karel, Herman Kingma and Ralf Peeters. A wavelet approach for unsupervised saccadic eye movement analysis on oculography recordings. 3rd Dutch Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering (BME 2011),Egmond aan Zee, 20-21 Jan., 2011.
  • Aloys Sipers, Paul Borm and Ralf Peeters. On the reconstruction of a signal from its unthresholded recurrence plot subject to disturbances. Fourth international symposium on recurrence plots, Hong Kong, Dec 5-7, 2011.

Technical reports (non-refereed)

  • Mihály Petreczky, Laurent Bako, Jan H. van Schuppen. Realization theory of discrete-time linear switched systems. Technical Report, Preprint Arxiv report, arXiv:1103.1343, 2011.
  • Ronald Westra, Mihalý Petreczky and Ralf Peeters. Identification of piecewise linear models of complex dynamical systems. Technical Report, Preprint Arxiv report, arXiv:1103.4756, 2011.


Journal publications

  • Marco H. M. Janssen, Michel C. Öllers, Robert G. Riedl, Jorgen M. A. van den Bogaard, Jeroen Buijsen, Ruud G. P. M. van Stiphout, Hugo J. W. L. Aerts, Philippe Lambin, Guido Lammering. Accurate Prediction of Pathological Rectal Tumor Response after Two Weeks of Preoperative Radiochemotherapy Using 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography Imaging. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 392-399, 2010.
  • Marco H. M. Janssen, Michel C. Öllers, Ruud G. P. M. van Stiphout, Jeroen Buijsen, Jørgen van den Bogaard, Dirk de Ruysscher, Philippe Lambin, Guido Lammering. Evaluation of early metabolic responses in rectal cancer during combined radiochemotherapy or radiotherapy alone: Sequential FDG-PET-CT findings. Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 151-155, 2010.
  • Marco H. M. Janssen, Michel C. Öllers, Ruud G. P. M. van Stiphout, Robert G. Riedl, Jørgen van den Bogaard, Jeroen Buijsen, Philippe Lambin, Guido Lammering. Blood glucose level normalization and accurate timing improves the accuracy of PET-based treatment response predictions in rectal cancer.
  • Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 203-208, 2010.
  • D.M. Johnson, J. Heijman, C.E. Pollard, J.P. Valentin, H.J. Crijns, N. Abi-Gerges, P.G.A. Volders. I(Ks) restricts excessive beat-to-beat variability of repolarization during beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation. J Mol Cell Cardiol., Vol. 48(1):122-30, 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2009.08.033. Epub 2009 Sep 8.
  • A. Krinner, M. Hoffmann, M. Löffler, D. Drasdo, J. Galle., „Individual fates of mesenchymal stem cells in vitro”, BMC Systems Biology, 4:73, 2010.
  • Philippe Lambin, Steven F. Petit, Hugo J. W. L. Aerts, Wouter J. C. van Elmpt, Cary J. G. Oberije, Maud H. W. Starmans, Ruud G. P. M. van Stiphout, Kristoff Muylle, Patrick Flamen, André L. A. J. Dekker, Dirk De Ruysscher. The ESTRO Breur Lecture 2009. From population to voxel-based radiotherapy: Exploiting intra-tumour and intra-organ heterogeneity for advanced treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 145-152, 2010.
  • Mihály Petreczky, Jan H. van Schuppen. Span-reachability and observability of bilinear hybrid systems. Automatica 46(3): 501-509, 2010.
  • Mihály Petreczky, Jan H. van Schuppen. Generating series for bilinear hybrid systems. Systems & Control Letters 59(3-4): 218-225, 2010.
  • Mihály Petreczky, Jan H. van Schuppen. Realization Theory for Linear Hybrid Systems. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. 55(10): 2282-2297, 2010.
  • L. Vanfleteren L, R.G.P.M. van Stiphout, R.G. Riedl, R. Jansen, D. De Ruysscher, A.M. Dingemans. Primary Ewing’s sarcoma presenting as a Pancoast tumour, Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 163-164, 2010.

Conference proceedings

  • H. Dai, J. Liu and E.N. Smirnov (2010): Successful application can only be achieved through reliable knowledge discovery: an introduction to rikd 2010. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, pages xxxviii-xxxix. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010.
  • Jordi Heijman, Yoram Rudy, Ronald L. Westra and Paul G.A. Volders. Computational analysis of the downstream effects of beta-adrenergic stimulation on camkii in the canine ventricular myocyte. Proc. of Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology, 16 Jul 2010 – 19 Jul 2010, Berlin – Germany, July 2010.
  • Stephan Jansen, Herman Kingma and Ralf Peeters. A wavelet approach for unsupervised nystagmus analysis on ENG and VOG recordings. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 Aug.- 4 Sept. 2010, pages 6333-6336, 2010.
  • Stephan Jansen, Herman Kingma, Ralf Peeters and Ronald Westra. A torsional eye movement calculation algorithm for low contrast images in video-oculography. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 Aug.- 4 Sept. 2010, pages 5628-5631, 2010.
  • Joël Karel, Rachel Senden, Joep Janssen, Hans Savelberg, Bernd Grimm, I.C. Heyligers, Ralf Peeters and Kenneth Meijer. Towards unobtrusive in vivo monitoring of patients prone to falling. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 Aug.- 4 Sept. 2010, pages 5018-5021, 2010.
  • G.I. Nalbantov and E.N. Smirnov (2010): Soft nearest convex hull classifier. In Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, volume 215 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 841-846. IOS Press.
  • G.I. Nalbantov, E.N. Smirnov, D. Nalbantov, Gerhard Weiss, K. Nienhaus, M. Warcholik and F. Mavroudis (2010): Image mining for intelligent autonomous coal mining. In Proceedings of the 10th Industrial Conference on Data Mining, Poster and Industry, pages 17-23.
  • N.Y. Nikolaev, D.T. Mirikitani and E.N. Smirnov (2010): Unscented grid filtering and Elman recurrent networks. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2010, pages 1-7, 2010.
  • Ralf Peeters, Martine Olivi and Bernard Hanzon. Parametrization of Matrix-Valued Lossless Functions Based on Boundary Interpolation. In Proceedings 19th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 July 2010, pages 563-570, 2010.
  • Mihály Petreczky, Laurent Bako, Jan H. van Schuppen. Identifiability of discrete-time linear switched systems. Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, HSCC 2010, Stockholm, Sweden, April 12-15, 2010, pages 141-150, 2010.
  • Mihalý Petreczky and Ralf Peeters. Spaces of nonlinear and hybrid systems representable by recognizable formal power series. In Proceedings 19th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 July 2010, pages 1051-1058, 2010.
  • Mihaly Petreczky, Jan H. van Schuppen, A. Edelmayer. Observability reduction of piecewise-affine hybrid systems. In Proceedings 19th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 July 2010, pages 203-210, 2010.
  • E.N. Smirnov, G.I. Nalbantov and N.I. Nikolaev (2010): K-Version-space multi-class classification based on k-consistency tests. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML PKDD 2010, volume 6323 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 277-292. Springer.
  • E.N. Smirnov, N.I. Nikolaev and G.I. Nalbantov (2010): Single-stacking conformity approach to reliable classification. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, AIMSA 2010, volume 6304 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 161-170. Springer.
  • R.G.P.M. van Stiphout, E.O. Postma, V. Valentini, P. Lambin.The contribution of machine learning to predicting cancer outcome, Proceedings of the BNAIC 2010, University of Luxembourg, pp. 1-7, 2010.
  • Ronald Westra. The (non)sense of deterministic mathematical models of microbial communication. In Proceedings of MICOM 2010 – European Conference on Microbial Communication, September 28 – October 1, 2010, Jena (Germany), September 2010.

Edited books

  • H. Dai, J. Liu, E.N. Smirnov, editors, (2010): Proceedings of the 3th IEEE workshop on reliablity issues in knowledge discovery (RIKD 2010), in workshops proceedings of the 10th ieee international conference on data mining (ICDM 2010), IEEE Computer Society Press.

PhD theses

  • Ivo Bleylevens (2010).

Refereed conference abstracts

  • M. Hoffmann, J.-P. Kuska, M. Zscharnack, J. Galle. Spatial Organization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultures in vitro. International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), October 11-14, 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2010.
  • Aloys Sipers, Paul Borm and Ralf Peeters. On the unique reconstruction of a signal from its recurrence plot. 11th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference, Lille, France, 1-4 June 2010.

Technical reports (non-refereed)

  • Mihaly Petreczky, Jan H. van Schuppen. Partial-realization of linear switched systems: A formal power series approach. Open access e-Print archive, Nr. 1010.5160v1, pp. 1–67, 2010


Journal publications

  • K.F. Decker, J. Heijman, J.R. Silva, T.J. Hund, Y. Rudy. Properties and ionic mechanisms of action potential adaptation, restitution, and accommodation in canine epicardium. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol., Vol. 296(4):H1017-1026, 2009. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.01216.2008. Epub 2009 Jan 23.
  • J. Erlecke, I. Hartmann, M. Hoffmann, T. Kroll, H. Starke, A. Heller, A. Gloria, H.G. Sayer, T. Johannes, U. Claussen, T. Liehr, I.F. Loncarevic. “Automated detection of residual cells after sex-mismatched stem-cell transplantation – evidence for presence of disease-marker negative residual cells”, Molecular Cytogenetics, 2:12, 2009.
  • J. Galle, M. Hoffmann, G. Aust., “From single cells to tissue architecture – a bottom-up approach to modelling the spatio-temporal organisation of complex multi-cellular systems”, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 58(1-2):261-83, 2009.
  • E.N. Smirnov, G.I. Nalbantov, A.M. Kaptein (2009): Meta-conformity approach to reliable classification. Intelligent Data Analysis, 13(6):901-915.
  • S. Vanderlooy, I.G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, E.N. Smirnov, H. Jaap van den Herik (2009): The ROC isometrics approach to construct reliable classifiers. Intelligent Data Analysis, 13(1):3-37.

Conference proceedings

  • Bernard Hanzon, Martine Olivi and Ralf Peeters. Subdiagonal pivot structures and associated canonical forms under state isometries. In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2009), St. Malo, France, 6-8 July 2009, pages 1620-1625, 2009.
  • Jordi Heijman, Paul G.A. Volders, Ronald L. Westra, Yoram Rudy. A computational model of beta-adrenergic signaling in cardiac myocytes: local signaling and rate-dependent action-potential effects. In Proc. of The Heart Rhythm Society’s 30th Annual Scientific Sessions, Boston, May 13-16, 2009 , May 2009.
  • Stephan Jansen, Herman Kingma and Ralf Peeters. A confidence measure for real-time eye movement detection in video-oculography. In C.T. Lim and J.C.H. Goh, editors, ICBME 2008 – 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, 3-6 December 2008, volume 23 of IFMBE Proceedings, pages 335-339. Springer, 2009.
  • M. Moed and E.N. Smirnov (2009): Efficient adaboost region classification. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, MLDM 2009, volume 5632 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 123-136. Springer, 2009.
  • Jana Nemcová, Mihály Petreczky, Jan H. van Schuppen: Realization theory of Nash systems. Proceedings of the joint 48th IEEE CDC and 28th CCC 2009, pages 5935-5940, 2009.
  • N.Y. Nikolaev and E.N. Smirnov (2009): Unscented grid filtering and smoothing for nonlinear time series analysis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks, ICNN-2009, 2009.
  • Ralf Peeters, Martine Olivi and Bernard Hanzon. Balanced realization of lossless systems: schur parameters, canonical forms and applications. In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2009), St. Malo, France, 6-8 July 2009, pages 273-283, 2009.
  • Chutham Sawigun, Michiel Grashuis, Ralf Peeters and Wouter Serdijn. Nanopower sampled data wavelet filter design using switched gain cell technique. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), Taipei, Taiwan, 24-27 May 2009, pages 545-548, 2009.
  • Ronald Westra. Inference of the genetic and proteomic pathways that control the beta-adrenergic-induced electrophysiological instability in cardiac myocytes. In Proc. of the International Workshop on Integrative Network Inference in Systems Biology 8th-9th October 2009, Jena/Germany, October 2009.

Book chapters

  • Karl Tuyls and Ronald Westra. Replicator dynamics in discrete and continuous strategy spaces. In A. Uhrmacher and D. Weyns, editors, Multi-Agent Systems: Simulation and Applications, pages 215-241. Francis and Taylor, 2009.

PhD theses

  • J.M.H. Karel, “A wavelet approach to cardiac signal processing for low-power hardware applications”, Ph.D thesis, Universitaire PersMaastricht, Maastricht University, December 15, 2009.

Refereed conference abstracts

  • Stephan Jansen, Herman Kingma, Georgi Nalbantov, X.H. Nguyen and Ralf Peeters. Automatic threshold determination for pupil segmentation in video-oculography. Workshop of the School for Mental Health and Neuroscience (MHeNS), Maastricht, 9 September 2009.
  • J.M.H. Karel, R. Senden, R.L. Westra, H. Savelberg, R. Vegt and K. Meijer, Detecting Near Falls from Accelerometer Data Using Orthogonal Wavelets, XXII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, July 5-9, 2009.
  • Joël Karel, Richard Houben, Ronald Westra, Wouter Serdijn, Sandro Haddad and Ralf Peeters. A biomedical signal processing platform for low-power real-time sensing of cardiac signals (BioSens). 2nd Dutch Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering (BME 2009), Egmond aan Zee, 22-23 Jan. 2009.


Journal publications

  • L.M.T Eijssen, P.J. Lindsey, R.L.M. Peeters, R.L. Westra, R.G.E. van Eijsden, M. Bolotin-Fukuhara, H.J.M. Smeets, R.F.M. Vlietinck, A novel stepwise analysis procedure of genome-wide expression profiles identifies transcript signatures of thiamine genes as classifiers of mitochondrial mutants in yeast, Yeast (Chichester, England), vol. 25 (nr. 2), 2008, pp. 129-140.
  • Groenen, P.J.F., G.I. Nalbantov, and J.C. Bioch (2008). SVM-Maj: A Majorization Approach to Linear Support Vector Machines with Different Hinge Errors. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 2(1), pages 17-43. Springer.
  • M. Hoffmann, H.H. Chang, S. Huang, D. E. Ingber, M. Löffler, J. Galle, Noise-driven stem cell and progenitor population dynamics, PLoS ONE 3(8): e2922. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002922, 2008.
  • T.J. de Jong, A. Shmida, F. Thuijsman (2008): Sex allocation in plants and the evolution of monoecy. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10, 1087-1109.

Conference proceedings

  • Mihaly Petreczky and Rene Vidal, Realization Theory of Discrete-Time Semi-Algebraic Hybrid Systems, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) 2008, LNCS 4981, 386-400.

Book Chapter

  • Karl Tuyls, Westra R.L., Replicator Dynamics in Discrete and Continuous Strategy Spaces, Book Chapter in “Agents, Simulation and Applications”, by Taylor and Francis, A.M. Uhrmacher and D. Weyns (Eds) 2008


Journal publications

  • I. Bleylevens, R. Peeters, B. Hanzon, Efficiency improvement in an nD-systems approach to polynomial optimization, Journal of Symbolic Computation 42, 2007, pp. 30-53.
  • Eijssen LMT, Lindsey PJ, Peeters RLM, Westra R.L., Smeets HJM, Vlietinck, R, A novel stepwise analysis procedure of genome-wide expression profiles identifies transcript signatures of thiamine genes as classifiers of mitochondrial mutants, Yeast (2007), Published online in Wiley InterScience, DOI: 10.1002/yea.1573
  • Heijman J, Johnson DM, Westra RL, Volders PGA. Beat-to-Beat Variability of Repolarization Duration, Intrinsic to Native Myocytes, But Does It Feature in Ventricular Cell Models? (Abstract). Biophysical Society, 51st Annual Meeting. 2007.
  • R.L.M. Peeters, B. Hanzon, M. Olivi, Canonical lossless state-space systems: Staircase forms and the Schur algorithm, Linear Algebra and its Applications 425, 2007, pp. 404-433.
  • Mihaly Petreczky. Realization theory for linear switched systems: a formal power series approach, Systems and Control Letters 2007, 56(9-10):588-595.
  • Westra R.L., G. Hollanders, G-J. Bex, K. Tuyls, The Identification of Dynamic Gene-Protein Networks, Springer Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) Volume Number 4366, February 2007
  • Ronald Westra, Karl Tuyls, Yvan Saeys, and Ann Nowé, Knowledge Discovery and Emergent Complexity in Bioinformatics, Springer Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) Volume Number 4366, March 2007

Conference proceedings

  • Westra R.L., G. Hollanders, G-J. Bex, The Pattern Memory of Gene-Protein Networks, AI Communications (AICOM) 2007


Journal publications

  • B. Hanzon, M. Olivi, R.L.M. Peeters, Balanced realizations of discrete-time stable all-pass systems and the tangential Schur algorithm, Linear Algebra and its Applications 418, 2006, pp. 793-820.
  • M. Hoffmann, D. Pohlers, D. Koczan, H.-J. Thiesen, S. Wölfl, R. W. Kinne, Robust computational reconstitution – a new method for the comparative analysis of gene expression in tissues and isolated cell fractions, BMC Bioinformatics, 7:369, 2006.
  • Nalbantov, G.I., R. Bauer, and I.G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper (2006). Equity Style Timing using Support Vector Regressions. Journal of Applied Financial Economics, 16(15), pages 1095-1111. Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Nalbantov, G.I., J.C. Bioch, & P.J.F. Groenen (2006). Classification with Support Hyperplanes. In Johannes Fürnkranz, Tobias Scheffer, and Myra Spiliopoulou (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), 703–710. Springer.
  • Mihaly Petreczky Reachability of linear switched systems: differential geometric approach. Systems and Control Letters 2006,55:112–118.

Conference proceedings

  • R.L.M. Peeters, J.M.H. Karel, R.L. Westra, S.A.P. Haddad and W.A. Serdijn, “Multiwavelet Design for Cardiac Signal Processing”, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2006), pp 1682-1685, New York, August 30 – September 3, 2006.
  • Smirnov, E.N., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., Nalbantov, G.I., and Vanderlooy, S. (2006). Version Space Support Vector Machines. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2006), (pp.809-810), August 28 – September 1, Riva del Garda, Italy


Journal publications

  • R. Guthke, U. Möller, M. Hoffmann, F. Thies, S. Töpfer, Dynamic Network Reconstruction from Gene Expression Data Applied to Immune Response during Bacterial Infection, Bioinformatics, 21(8), 1626-1634, 2005.
  • M. Hoffmann, Thermodynamics of membrane elasticity – A molecular level approach to one- and two-component fluid amphiphilic membranes, European Physical Journal E, Vol. 16, 111-139, 2005.
  • R.L.M. Peeters, B. Hanzon, Identifiability of homogeneous systems using the state isomorphism approach, Automatica 41, 2005, pp. 513-529.

Conference proceedings

  • J.M.H. Karel, R.L.M. Peeters, R.L. Westra, K.M.S. Moermans, S.A.P. Haddad and W.A. Serdijn, “Optimal discrete wavelet design for cardiac signal processing”, 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2005), pp 2769-2772, Shanghai, P.R. China, September 1-4, 2005.
  • J.M.H. Karel, R.L.M. Peeters, R.L. Westra, S.A.P. Haddad, W.A. Serdijn, “Wavelet approx- imation for implementation in dynamic translinear circuits”, IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, July 4–8, 2005
  • S.A.P. Haddad, J.M.H. Karel, R.L.M. Peeters, R.L. Westra and W.A. Serdijn, “Analog Complex Wavelet Filters”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Kobe, Japan, May 23–26, 2005

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